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Sunday, January 8, 2012


Is this true? Is it realistic? Helen Keller was blind and deaf, and yet she rose above her disabilities to become one of the most remarkable women in history. The words "daring adventure"....surely challenge us to live our lives unselfishly and generously, to use our gifts and talents and to not squander the most precious gift: TIME.

My "Bucket List" includes many selfish dreams and activities such as experiencing the great annual migration in the Serengeti in East Africa...travelling across Africa in my 4x4 experiencing wilderness and diverse cultures...capturing award-winning images on film...selling my art work etc etc. My bucket list is mostly about adventures, many daring and exotic and there is nothing wrong with that, but sadly and ashamedly, it does not include anything beyond satisfying my needs and my thirst for adventure. My growing list does not include such things as devoting time to uplifting  a poor community, sacrificing a holiday to volunteer in famine/disaster relief areas, inviting orphans to my home for a day to experience the love of a family, sharing my resources unselfishly and without counting the cost...

For life to be "a daring adventure", I must seize the here and now and make each moment count for eternity. I must see the daily routine of each day as opportunities to make a difference in my words, actions and attitudes. Life lived selfishly, only gratifying my desires, dreams and ambitions is truly "nothing"!

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