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Monday, December 15, 2014


How does one find that sweet spot of balance in one's life? What is "balance"?

Social media is saturated with motivational quotes, posters, self-help guru's, arm chair experts etc all peddling advice and commenting on how to live "the dream" and "live your passions". The frenzy of "likes" and sharing of posts offers fleeting comfort that Yes!! This is it!! Lets go for it!! The collective wallow that is social media masks the true symptoms of individual struggles to live lives of purpose, passion and energy WITHIN lives of drudgery, routine and responsibility. We spend hours drooling with envy at the boastful holiday posts from exotic destinations....the adventurous lifestyles of the few who are"living the dream"...professional athletes...the rich and famous, and a creeping cancer of dissatisfaction takes root! We grumble, complain and yearn for what we don't have and all the while we choose to ignore what we do have! We become restless, negative and perpetuate the cycle of energy-wasting coveting.

To be continued.....

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Well, after a long absence, I have decided to bring more balance to my life by restoring the creative activities which I have neglected for so long ie writing more (including this blog) The combination of laziness, couch potato syndrome after a hard days work, struggling to assist my adult son to find direction in life, no exercise etc etc are starting to take its toll. At the age of 56 I am starting to wonder "whats it all about"? So many places to see, so much to still do with my life with my beautiful wife......???

We get sucked into the routine of creating security and stability - we buy a house, start a family, get a job to maintain a lifestyle, become slaves to so much that is unnecessary and start losing passion and hunger for the dreams that shone so bright but now just a distant memory of what could have been. Our passions and purpose become confused and diluted as we focus our energy into so much that is good and responsible in itself but have somehow over the years enslaved creativity and purpose......

To be continued.....