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Tuesday, August 9, 2011



Disturbing tv images of young teenagers running rampant in peaceful suburbs of London trashing, looting and burning in an orgy of mindless destruction are shocking! The victims are aghast at the raw anger and blatant disregard for law and order...police observe from the sidelines making brief ineffectual forays into the masses while dodging bricks and bottles from pimply faced youths laughing and swearing in their faces! Politicians rant and rave while wringing their hands and threatening tough measures while decent law-abiding citizens wander in shock amongst the broken, burning debris of once model suburbs....for years a most British facade of respect and dignity cloaking the festering, simmering time-bomb of anarchy! 

Years of appeasement and compromise....the gradual erosion of God-ordained values and morality enshrined in the institutions of family and marriage....the glorification of freedom and individual rights without personal responsibility....lack of accountability etc etc etc....WHAT NATIONS, GOVERNMENTS AND INDIVIDUALS SOW WILL SOMEDAY HAVE A DAY OF RECKONING AND REAPING!

Slouched in the surreal comfort of cosy homes across the globe, gazing through slick, packaged windows of foreign lands as human tragedy and mayhem flicker into our safe worlds, we wring our hands and cry out with indignation and anger wondering....questioning....depressed and deeply disturbed at the raw primeval images and the sad state of the human condition.

Isn't it tragic that the self-styled "experts" of social engineering who have served to mislead and deceive the policy makers of nations for years....watering down traditional values and norms while elevating "human rights" above individual rights and responsibilities....isn't it a sad indictment of the human psyche that the future of nations, societies, neighbourhoods, families and individuals have been sold down the putrefying river of compromise and murky, grey counterfeit "values"?

This is not the celebrated "brave new world"....THE answer remains Jesus, hope of the Nations!